Innovative Engineering Solutions Since 2010

Select Project Experience
McComb, MS
- Designed roadways within plant for forklifts carrying loads in excess of 100,000lbs. Provided initial survey for roadway project for preliminary design and budgeting. Developed budget and project timeline for design considerations within the plant. Designed the roadway and developed specifications for final construction documents. Issued request for quote for overall project. Awarded the project and was responsible for construction oversight and safety, also provided QA/QC for the project. Downs Engineering was responsible for keeping the project under budget and on schedule.
- Designed the entire Southwest Entrance scales and scale house and modified existing Fire Water Lines to avoid construction. Provided initial survey for roadway project for preliminary design and budgeting. Developed budget and project timeline for design considerations within the plant. Designed the roadway and developed specifications for final construction documents. Issued request for quote for overall project. Awarded the project and was responsible for construction oversight and safety, also provided QA/QC for the project. Downs Engineering was responsible for keeping the project under budget and on schedule.
- Installed new concrete foundation, ties, and railing system.
Holden, LA
- Main Entrance Roadway. Provided initial survey for roadway project for preliminary design and budgeting. Developed budget and project timeline for design considerations within the plant. Designed the roadway and developed specifications for final construction documents. Issued request for quote for overall project. Awarded the project and was responsible for construction oversight and safety, also provided QA/QC for the project. Downs Engineering was responsible for keeping the project under budget and on schedule.
- Lead Design Engineer for the installation of the new #5 Dry Kiln Facilities including a double rail dry kiln with a cooling shed, MCC building, fuel storage silo and log yard. Also responsible for designing a double rail curved track. Responsible for the design of all facilities and Fire Marshall Submittal.
- Refurbished existing foundation. Installed epoxy grout to level the foundation and installed new ties and railing system.
Philadelphia, MS
- Responsible charge for the layout of all points for the structural kilns and for all contractors on the job site including safety.
- Design and layout of Philadelphia Office Complex.
- Design and layout of Roadways inside the plant. Project Engineer over the project. In charge of surveying site, developing the design drawings, and managing the project.
Millport, AL
- Responsible charge for the layout of all points for the structural kilns and for all contractors on the job site including safety.
Bruce, MS
- Designed Finished Lumber roadway and was responsible charge for the installation of the roadway. Project included coordinating with the state for the road tie into Hwy 9. Provided initial survey for roadway project for preliminary design and budgeting. Developed budget and project timeline for design considerations within the plant. Designed the roadway and developed specifications for final construction documents. Issued request for quote for overall project. Awarded the project and was responsible for construction oversight and safety, also provided QA/QC for the project. Downs Engineering was responsible for keeping the project under budget and on schedule.
- CDK Project - Project Engineer was responsible charge for the installation of the CDK Kiln.
- Mobile Shop - Design and Project Management of the new Mobile Shop.
- New Fuel Island - Design and Project Management of the Fuel Island.
- Design and layout of shavings bin and piping.
Dodson, LA
- Underground Fire Water Project. Developed civil drawings from the entire plant for the replacement and upgrade of the fire water system.
Emerson, AR
- Coordinated the development of a general arrangement for a new dryer installation. Prepared a cost estimate.
Ruston, LA
- Civil/Structural Staff Engineer for various projects in the wood product industry.
- Designed new steam block chest for the Zwolle Mill.
- Designed various bridge cranes, for the Dodson Mill, over the new lathe. Supervised construction of structural footings.
- Designed new concrete road for the Taylor Sawmill and checked existing footings for the Installation of a new chips bin. Supervised construction of the new concrete road and support structures for the bin.
Geismar, LA
- Field engineering support for the Centipede and V.O.C. projects.
V.O.C. Project
- Responsible for design of ground floor and seal drum foundations, new combustor platform in loading dock, and new steel additions for jib crane and safety skid.
- Coordinated with Shell operations for the installation of the equipment.
- Designed supports for pipes going to the loading docks at the Mississippi River. Added a platform for a relocated firefighting station. Evaluated the truss design at the dock for the new pipes that were added.
Centipede Project
- Provided engineering support for pipe rack design, storm water drainage design, and general civil design for the Barge Tank Farm tanks and box culvert for pipe crossings. Designed railroad unloading facility.
Baton Rouge, LA
- Responsible for pipe rack layout and Design for new Comfac facilities. Modeled in Staad-III.
Center, TX
- Dry/Green Boiler Installation - Lead Civil Engineer for the installation of the dry silo foundations and pipe racks. Responsible for laying out the locations of the silos, working with the soils consultant to develop a foundation strategy, and designing the pipe rack to carry the electrical and piping to the silos. Professional Engineer of record for the project.
- Project Engineer for the Installation of 5 stacks from the cyclone discharge. Modeled and designed each stack with guy supports. Detailed each stack.
- Project Engineer on the installation of the covered Forklift passageway to the Veneer Storage building. Responsible for designing a 60’ truck access through the structure.
- Project Engineer on the Veneer Storage building installation. Responsible for locating and designing the structural foundations
- Project Engineer on the design of 6 baghouse stacks that were seventy foot in height. Designed the stacks and foundations and was responsible for construction oversight.
- Engineer on the new baghouse installation. Modeled the structure and designed the foundations. Responsible for construction oversight.
- Lead Design Engineer for the installation and modification of the existing cupola and hot press pit. Also responsible for construction oversight assistance.
- Lead Design Engineer for the installation of fourteen 20’ tall stacks for the new finishing line. Responsible for designing the stacks and curbed supports for the roof system. Provided construction oversight assistance.
Bastrop, LA
- Responsible for the design and installation of the No. 3A Paper Machine Shoe Nip Calendar. Modified existing elevated concrete floor for SNC loads and ran a dynamic analysis to determine the natural frequency of the concrete floor. Modeled in Staad-III.
- Responsible for developing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan associated with mill effluent.
Mansfield, LA / Vicksburg, MS
- Responsible for design of new Soap Acidulation Plant. Designed control room/maintenance facility, pipe racks within plant foundations for sulfuric acid tank with retaining wall, tank and pump foundations, and tanker unloading facilities. Modeled in Staad-III.
Riegelwood, NC
- Responsible for civil and structural design for the addition of a new lime kiln with support facilities. Modeled in Staad-III.
Crossett, AR
- Lead Civil Engineer for L.I.T.E. Reactor Project. Responsible for the design of all steel and concrete foundations. Coordinated project with G-P Resins on the design of the new K-7 Reactor and Urea Tank.
- Designed 40’x40’ mechanical building for the Rosin Re-melter Drum, a 10’ high retaining wall with concrete slab and the Rosin Re-melter Drum.
- Designed mat foundations and supporting steel for scrubber.
Port Hudson, LA
- Kvaerner-Recovery Boiler grid steel. Designed the grid steel for the support of the boiler. Modeled the structure in Staad-pro. Reviewed all shop drawings.
Laurel, MS
- Lead Design Engineer for the structural evaluation of the #5 Unit building. Responsible for evaluating the building system which included columns, beams, bracing, concrete floor, roof system and exterior siding. Wrote a detailed report on the findings.
- Lead Civil Engineer for Zero Discharge Project. Responsible for the design of the MCC and Sludge Dewatering Building.
est Ouachita Senior Center, West Monroe, LA
- Design Engineer of Record for the expansion of the West Ouachita Senior Center and Bus Barn. Responsible for surveying the job site and evaluation the layout for the senior center expansion and the placement of the bus barn. Designed the foundations and paving for the senior center and bus barn. Helped coordinate the design of both buildings with the staff and developed the specifications, scope of work and the request for quote. Evaluated the bids from the Contractor and helped with the Project Meeting and construction oversight.
Church of the Living God, Monroe, LA
- Developed the drawings for the foundation design of the church. Professional Engineer of record for the project.
Oak Grove Emergency Room, Oak Grove, LA
- Designed the steel structure and foundations for the addition. Professional Engineer of Record for the project.
Green Grove Baptist Church, LA
- Developed the drawings for the foundation design for the church. Professional Engineer of record for the project.
West Monroe City Court Addition, West Monroe, LA
- Design Engineer of Record for the expansion of the City Marshall’s and Attorney’s Office expansion project. The project included laying out the office complex with Glenn Golson and designing the foundations and civil for the parking lot.
Assisted Living Care Facility Center
- Project Engineer on the design and layout of the facility and parking areas.
Sardis, MS
- Designed new foundation for regenerator vessel for the station compressor. Responsible charge for the installation geo-piers and met foundation.
Stevens Point
- Design compressor station, civil and structural foundation for the plant.
Madisonville, LA
- Design fin fan cooler, access platforms, and foundations.
Sardis, MS & Delhi, LA
- Quarterly survey of regenerator foundations.
Centerville, LA
- Design Engineer for the design of the SU-2C Bag Collector replacement. Responsible for the design of the structure as installed on six existing steel columns. Structure was designed to be built at another location and then lifted in place to the existing columns
Hickok, KS
- Lead Design Engineer for the design evaluation of Unit #2 and #3 structures.
- Modified the existing structure to add additional stacks and pipes. Modeled the structure in Staad-Pro and made changes to the design drawings accordingly.
- Emergency Firewater Storage Tank – Lead Design Engineer for the design of the concrete tank.
- Modeled the tank in Staad-Pro and developed the design drawings.
El Dorado, AR
- Responsible for the design of the Thermal Oxidation support structure. Designed and modeled the structure in Staad-III. Designed the supporting foundations.
St. Mary, LA
- Responsible for the design of the North Bend Beading Structure and dryer facilities. Designed the steel structure and mat foundations. Responsible for retrofit of the existing screen structure. Modeled in Staad-III.
- Renovated an oil changing facility to accommodate a cheer leading clinic. The first stage was to remove all equipment from the building and to clean the floors. Walls were framed up in front of the overhead doors and he A/C system was installed to cool the entire workout floor. The clinic was redrawn and submitted to the Fire Marshall for review. Upon completion of the first stage, the building was extended to include an additional workout floor and pit. The addition also included an office and two bathrooms. A ten ton A/C unit was also included for the main workout floor along with a three ton unit for the bathroom and office.
- Redesigned the interior of a store to accommodate Bayou Roux. This include design of an inside and outside eating area and an indoor bar area. Coordinated the design of the bar with the Contractor and helped coordinate all kitchen requirements with the Department of Health and Hospitals. Managed the Project and helped manage the budget while construction was underway.
- Design Engineer of Record for Sonny Panzico’s Garden Mart. Developed the architectural layout fir the building and outdoor areas for the shrubs, trees and unloading dock. Designed the foundations and civil for the project including the Drainage Impact Statement and Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Plan. Submitted all documents on the Drainage Impact and SWPP to LADOTD and the Ouachita Parish Public Work’s Coordinator.
- Worked closely with the Client and the Contractor to manage the budget and schedule of the project. Worked closely with the bank to ensure all change orders were approved and were kept within budget.
- Met with the IBC inspector and the Fire Marshall for the final inspections.
Hodge, LA
- Designed a refiner monorail for the removal of the 3,000 hp motor. Coordinated design drawing with designer. Responsible for field checking design.
- Assisted Lead Engineer on the installation of two scrubbers. Responsible for the design of four 5-ton monorails, scrubbers, and fan foundations. Checked the final design drawings.
- Routed duct from head box to basement. Developed construction estimate for the project.
Woodward, OK
- Site Project Engineer responsible for construction oversight for Phase II of the project.
- Lead Civil/Structural Engineer responsible for Engineering and Construction of the OSBL facilities for the plant. Engineer in charge of all design, procurement, fabrication and construction phases. Project was approximately $187 million. Professional Engineer of Record for the project.
- Responsible charge of the CO2 compressor foundation pour at the construction site. Designed a steel frame for the Contractor so that the anchor bolts could be set for the tolerances given by the Compressor vendor.
- Responsible charge for setting the equipment and vessels on site with the Crane Vendor on site.
Lake Charles, LA
- Designed 80” Diameter Stack
- Design and layout of bridge for new roadway. Project Engineer over the project which included installation.
- Design and layout for the foundations and flooring systems for the plantation style house (15,000 sqft). Design included electrical, mechanical, and civil.
- Design Engineer of Record for both duplexes in Ruston and Monroe. Responsible for laying out both complexes and separating the apartments with firewalls. Laid out the civil and foundations for the apartments and provided construction oversight.
- Provided the layout of the drainage, produced the Drainage Impact Statements and submitted all paperwork to the Fire Marshall’s Office.
Design compressor station, civil and structural foundation for the plant.
Shreveport, LA
- Design Engineer of Record for the design of the building in Shreveport, LA. Included the architectural, civil, electrical and mechanical plans and specifications. Completed the drainage calculations and provided a SWPP for the project. Sent in a Notice of Intent with LADEQ for the project. Provided a budget analysis for the project and coordinated with the owners and Contractors for the client. Submitted the design drawings and specifications to the Fire Marshall’s Office.
Warehouse and Business Office
- Design Engineer of Record for the design and layout of the fertilizer warehouse and business office. Completed the architectural, civil, electrical and mechanical drawings for the submittal to the Fire Marshall.
- Design Engineer of Record for the design and layout of the Excel Mart. Designed the building layout, parking lots and gas tank locations. Evaluated the contracts and provided construction oversight.
West Monroe, LA
- Design Engineer of Record for the apartments and club house complex. Completed the architectural, civil, foundation, electrical and mechanical drawings for the Project. Completed the drainage impact statement and all SWPP plan drawings. Coordinated with Geological firm to complete 8 soil borings for the area and used these boring logs to design the foundations.
West Monroe, LA
- Design Engineer of Record for the design and layout of the Crane Workshop. The workshop had an open floor plan and a 10-ton bridge crane to help on maintenance for the cranes. The foundation had to be designed for the bridge crane loads and the heavy loads of the crane.
- Produced all drawings for the building and also created a civil drawing for the surrounding area.
Richland Parish, LA
- Design Engineer of Record for the Richland Parish Fire Department. Designed the block building with a steel support frame and stair tower. Provided all civil drawings for the installation of the project.
Gracin Estates, Ouachita Parish, LA
- Developed the site plan for the 18 lot trailer park. Developed the drainage impact statement and storm water pollution prevention plan for the park. Submitted all documents to Louisiana DHH and the Ouachita Parish Engineer. Professional Engineer of record for the project.
Tyson Mobile Home Park
- Developed the site plan for the 43 lot trailer park. Developed the drainage impact statement and storm water pollution prevention plan. Submitted all documents to the Louisiana DHH and the Ouachita Parish Engineer. Professional Engineer of record for the project.
West Monroe, LA
- Engineering Manager
Hot Springs, AR
- Building assessment report on MVO building.
Ruston, LA
- Lead Civil/Structural Engineer
Ruston, LA
- Cypress Springs and Hillcrest School Addition – Lead design engineer for the installation of the two pre-engineered buildings. Responsible for the foundation design which consisted of a retaining wall and slab system. Supervised construction as the retaining wall was built.
Jefferson, TX
- Lead Design Engineer for the installation of the Dry Energy Heat System. The design included two mat foundations for the pre-heaters, a cyclone structure 100’-0”tall and miscellaneous conveyor supports. Responsible for the steel and concrete design and provided construction oversight assistance for the construction of the cyclone structure pile foundation.
Culpepper, VA
- Lead Design Engineer for the installation of two bridge cranes for the panel line. Modeled the structure in Staad-Pro and developed the design drawings.
Shreveport, LA
- Lead Design Engineer for the installation of the berthing dolphins for the Fly Ash terminal on the Red River. Responsible for the design of the 36” diameter piles and supporting facilities.
Ruston, LA
- Designed the foundations for Trinity Methodist Church’s Administration office. Inspected the construction as it progressed.
Monroe, LA
- Project Engineer for various structural projects at the Monroe Plant. Completed proposal for each project. Coordinated all projects with Guide Plant Engineering Manager.
- Roof Beam Modification for the addition of A/C units.
- Verified monorail design capacity for the lifting of new transformer. Completed design drawings (AutoCAD 2000) for transformer foundations. Supervised the installation for Guide.
- Designed platform for freight elevator. Completed design drawings for the installation.
- Designed a containment wall for new tanks. Completed design drawings for the installation.
- Designed air handling platform for access to change filters.
- Designed molding machine platforms.
- Located new storage racks inside the plant and verified the design capacity.
- Modified roof beams for the installation of new electrical transformers at MCC #1 - #4.
Shreveport, LA
- Assisted in the design of two loading docks, new parking area and detention pond. Checked final drawings.
Monroe, LA
- Civil/Structural Engineer
Lake Charles, LA
- Responsible for the design of the scrubber and stack foundations. Coordinated project with Lead Designer.
Ruston, LA
- Responsible for the design modifications for the boiler building for the addition of a gas turbine-generator.
McGehee, AR
- Responsible for the retrofit of the recovery boiler structure. Modeled the existing building in Staad-III and half wind for construction purposes. Updated the model for the new loads. Checked existing foundations, columns, and bracing as required for the installation for new economizer.
- Designed raft steel for new loads and modified the beams with cover plates.
Lake Charles, LA
- Responsible for design of new pipe racks to support high pressure 24” diameter steam line for the CoGen Project. Designed foundations for package boilers. Modeled in Staad-III.
Riceboro, GA
- Assisted in the design of the No. 1 Paper Machine Dry End Upgrade.
Sterlington, LA
- Responsible for design of new air pre-heater mat foundation. Also responsible for overseeing construction of the foundation and air pre-heater support structure for Balk-Durr. Modeled in PCA Mats and Staad-III.
Coosa Pines, AL
- Responsible for design of support structure for new slaker and support facilities, part of re-causticizing Modernization. Modeled in Staad-III.
Baton Rouge, LA
- Responsible for design of new DADPM Production Building. Modeled in Staad- III.
Houston, TX
- Responsible for design of main support girders on US Highway 83.
West Monroe, LA
- Assisted in the design of inspection of structures. Also designed and prepared quantity and Cost estimates for roadways. Served as State Inspector.